Join us for training on how to be an effective student leader of an inclusion and justice club!
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You’re invited to YCD’s Student Leadership Bootcamp, taking place on Saturday, September 7, 2024!
This unique training is for youth who want to learn the skills needed to lead an inclusion and justice club. Whether you participate in a diversity club, GSA, affinity group or student council, this is the perfect training to hone your skills and become an inclusive leader. You’ll also get an opportunity to meet youth from other parts of Colorado doing similar work. Sign up today before this training reaches capacity!
Who Should Attend
This training is meant for youth in high school, as well as their faculty advisors/adult mentors. We are also happy to welcome adult mentors of middle school clubs/groups.
Note you do not need to be an elected leader in order to attend! Even if you are not currently a leader in your group, you are welcome to participate and learn the skills you’ll need to lead in the future! You also do not need to be part of an existing group; come to this training as a start to creating a new group.
We especially encourage leadership teams (co-chairs, presidents, vice presidents, officers, and adult sponsors/advisors) to attend as a group.
Venue and Directions
The Student Leadership Bootcamp will be hosted by the University of Denver in Sturm Hall, which is located south of Asbury Avenue between University and High Street in Denver. Get directions on Google Maps.
Parking fees at the University of Denver will be covered by YCD as part of the training.
Below is an overview of the schedule for the Student Leadership Bootcamp. Click on any timeslot to expand and learn more about that portion of the day. You can also download a printable version of the day’s schedule here.
Arrival and Parking / 9:30 – 10:00 am
We have purposefully planned for this Bootcamp to start later in the day to allow for participants from across Colorado enough time to drive in the morning. Parking will be free for participants (covered by YCD!) on the University of Denver’s campus; specific details will be shared at a later date closer to the event.
Breakfast / 9:30 – 10:00 am
A free, light continental breakfast of bagels, muffins, fruit and yogurt will be available for everyone.
Welcome and Opening Session / 10:00 – 10:45 am
We’ll kick of the Bootcamp by grounding ourselves in our purpose and why working for inclusion and justice is important to each of us. We’ll also do some activities for participants to get to know each other and make bonds with other youth working for inclusion and justice across Colorado!
DEIJ Core Concepts for Leaders / 10:45 am – 12:15 pm
Any person to work for inclusion and justice must be well-versed in DEIJ core concepts, including identity, privilege, and intersectionality. We’ll do a variety of activities to explore and understand their issues, and how they impact our leadership in youth-led clubs.
Lunch / 12:15 – 1:00 pm
A free lunch will be provided for all attendees! We take special precautions for anyone with a dietary restriction.
Workshop A / 1:00 – 1:45 pm
Each attendee will go to a series of four workshops, each of them being 45 minutes:
- Preparing for and Leading Successful Meetings
- Making Decisions through Consensus
- Managing Conflict and Holding Peers Accountable
- Roles and Responsibilities in Youth-Led Groups
Workshop B / 1:50 – 2:35 pm
Everyone attends a second workshop. See Workshop A for the list of topics.
Workshop C / 2:40 – 3:25 pm
Everyone attends a third workshop. See Workshop A for the list of topics.
Workshop D / 3:30 – 4:15 pm
Everyone attends a fourth workshop. See Workshop A for the list of topics.
Logistics and Next Steps / 4:20 – 5:00 pm
After a day of training and discussions, we’ll reconvene as a large group to reflect on what we’ve learned and make plans for the future. We’ll also have Q&A with each of our presenters. You will leave this training ready to take your youth-led club or group to the next level!
The Student Leadership Bootcamp features four workshops in the afternoon, covering key topics that are crucial for youth to lead their peers in clubs/groups in an authentic way.
Preparing for and Leading Successful Meetings
Creating and leading a group requires some planning and preparation. This workshop gives advice on how to prep for meetings, as well as going through all the resources YCD provides for groups to be successful throughout the year.
Making Decisions through Consensus
YCD promotes consensus as an inclusive decision-making model that involves dialogue, perspective taking, and relationship building. Learn the steps to build consensus, and then practice!
Managing Conflict and Holding Peers Accountable
It can be intimidating for youth to hold their peers accountable, yet this is necessary to avoid and address conflict when it arises. This session provides practical experience on how to set group expectations/norms, and then how to hold peers accountable when they overstep.
Roles and Responsibilities in Youth-Led Groups
This workshop helps adult mentors learn to “lean back” while also setting expectations for youth on how they can take charge. Youth are also given strategies to call in adult mentors when they need help or advice.
This training is being offered free of charge for all youth and adult mentors of YCD chapters thanks a generous grant from The Colorado Health Foundation, as well as support from the University of Denver! If your club or group is not yet a registered YCD chapter, learn more and sign up below.
High school-aged youth and adult mentors may attend without registering as a YCD chapter for $30/person. However we encourage groups to register as a chapter, which brings significant benefits at a lower cost. Contact us to discuss or with questions.
Download a flyer for the Student Leadership Bootcamp to advertise this opportunity to youth in your school, community or network!
Established youth clubs and groups are encouraged to register as a chapter of YCD, which includes attendance at this Bootcamp as part of their annual membership, in addition to numerous other benefits!
If you are ready to sign up for your spot at the Bootcamp, use the button below!
Sybenie Hernandez
Program Manager – YCD Colorado
Denver, Colorado
(303) 335-9585