
YCD supports students and teachers organizing locally, educating themselves and their peers, and taking action for inclusion and social justice.

YCD offers numerous programs for young people to explore their identity, to create inclusive schools and communities, and to make positive social change. Click on any picture below for more information on our programs.

YCD Colorado

Started in 1994 as the Cherry Creek Diversity Conference with just 18 schools attending, today YCD Colorado reaches over 1,500 young people ages 11-18 in 185+ schools and youth organizations annually across the state through our program. YCD Colorado now offers a mixture of virtual and in-person events, workshops, trainings, discussion groups, and resources to empower Colorado teens and educators to advance inclusion and justice in their local school and community.

YCD New Mexico

Started in 2019, today YCD New Mexico reaches over 400 teens and educators in 50+ schools and youth organizations annually across the state through our program. YCD New Mexico offers a mixture of virtual and in-person events, workshops, trainings, discussion groups, and resources to empower New Mexico teens and educators to advance inclusion and justice in their local school and community.

YCD National

Started in response to growing interest in YCD’s programs during the COVID-19 pandemic, today YCD National reaches hundreds of teens and educators in over 90 schools and youth organizations annually across the country. YCD National is designed for schools and groups outside of Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming, where YCD offers hybrid in-person and virtual programming. YCD National provides workshops, trainings, discussion groups, and resources to empower teens and educators to advance inclusion and justice in their local school and community, in addition to a virtual conference.

Professional Development for Educators

Educators look at post-it notes on the wall.

YCD hosts and organizes workshops and seminars for educators’ professional development, with topics and sessions inspired by the feedback and input we receive from our students. They share with us what topics they wish educators better understood to make their schools more inclusive. If you have a professional development need, contact us to discuss how YCD can help!

Speakers Bureau

YCD provides recommendations and connections for schools, community groups, and others searching for speakers on a wide variety of inclusion and justice topics. Speakers may be youth trained through the YCD program speaking in a panel format; workshop presenters; education professionals for professional development; or keynote speakers for special events.